Sie sind hier: Startseite Archiv Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2016 Hauptseminare


Alternative Welten? - Utopien aus Lateinamerika

DozentInMeiser, Anna
Termin(e)Mi 12-14; ab: 20.04.2016 bis 20.07.2016
R 101 (Breisacher Tor)


The Making of social categories in Makassar Indonesia

DozentInSchlehe, Judith
Termin(e)Do 12-14; ab: 21.04.2016 bis 21.07.2016
R 106 (Breisacher Tor)
Kommentar The seminar is part of the preparation for the interdisciplinary student research project funded by the DAAD and jointly conducted by the Anthropology and International Relations Departments of the University of Freiburg, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, and Hassanuddin University, Makassar. The field research exercise is scheduled for mid-August until early October 2016 in Makassar, Indonesia (preceded by a preparatory language course in Yogyakarta). All students participating in the project must attend this seminar.

The umbrella topic “The making of social categories” is meant to bind the specific case studies, conducted by ten research teams, together. The umbrella topic refers to social imaginaries, collective constructs of Self and Other, and identity politics. The overarching question how social categories are made and experienced in a particular locality (Makassar, South-Sulawesi) comprises on the one hand images and representations of belonging (perceptions of similarity and distance, including stereotyping and discrimination, e.g. in respect to ethnicity, gender order, entrepreneurial minorities, neighbour countries and regional cooperation, perceptions of foreigners, positioning of migrants, refugees, tourists, activists, political and religious classifications, etc.), and on the other hand trans-local elements (actors, imagined communities, categorizations of the region/ASEAN). The ultimate goal is to better understand how individuals and social groups understand their place in the world.
The themes identified by the student research teams will be thoroughly discussed with the objective of preparing a research design outlining major steps of the envisaged field work. This entails a careful and theory-guided review of the existing research literature and outlining pertinent methodological approaches. Another item of the seminar agenda is the discussion and scrutiny of the concept of trans-cultural and interdisciplinary student research in tandem and team constellations.
Parallel to the seminar, a tutorial will be organized, attendance of which is compulsory. It is the objective of this tutorial to introduce students to the methodological fundamentals of qualitative fieldwork.
It will be expected from the participants of the seminar and the student research in Indonesia that they participate in the 2017 reciprocal visit of their Indonesian student counterparts in Freiburg.
Requirements for students of Anthropology („Studienleistung“): Regular, active participation at the seminar and the tutorial; reading of the obligatory texts, organize one session, presentation of the project theme selected and submission of a research proposal in English language based on DFG format.
Students can also register the seminar for „Prüfungsleistung.“ Additional requirement is an oral exam at the end of the seminar.
For Political Science students requirements for participation („Studienleistung“) are the same as in Anthropology. The seminar can also be registered as Hauptseminar in International Relations. „Prüfungsleistung“ will then be an elaborate 20-pages research design on an International Relations topic (DFG format).
In addition to the seminar, students of Anthropology can acquire 10 ETCS points by participating in the students’s field research in Indonesia. Required is the participation in three workshops in Makassar, inlcuding presentations and a written report of approximately 15 pages). For students of Political Science partcipation will be acknowledged as an equivalent to an internship.
Literatur Recommended literature:

Anderson, Benedict (2006): Imagined communities. : reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. Rev. edition. London: Verso

Antweiler, Christoph (2000): Urbane Rationalität: eine stadtethnologische Studie zu Ujung Pandang (Makassar), Indonesien. Berlin: Reimer

Tagliacozzo, Eric (ed.) 2014: Producing Indonesia. The State of the Field of Indonesian Studies. Ithaca, New York: SEAP, p. 19-62 (Anthropology), p. 233-282 (Political Science)
Huotari, Micco; Rüland, Jürgen; Schlehe, Judith (eds.) 2014: Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies. Palgrave
LeistungsnachweisZu erbringende Prüfungsleistung
Requirements for students of Anthropology („Studienleistung“): Regular, active participation at the seminar and the tutorial; reading of the obligatory texts, organize one session, presentation of the project theme selected and submission of a research proposal in English language based on DFG format.
Students can also register the seminar for „Prüfungsleistung.“ Additional requirement is an oral exam at the end of the seminar.
For Political Science students requirements for participation („Studienleistung“) are the same as in Anthropology. The seminar can also be registered as Hauptseminar in International Relations. „Prüfungsleistung“ will then be an elaborate 20-pages research design on an International Relations topic (DFG format).
In addition to the seminar, students of Anthropology can acquire 10 ETCS points by participating in the students’s field research in Indonesia. Required is the participation in three workshops in Makassar, inlcuding presentations and a written report of approximately 15 pages). For students of Political Science partcipation will be acknowledged as an equivalent to an internship.

Zu erbringende Studienleistung
Requirements for students of Anthropology („Studienleistung“): Regular, active participation at the seminar and the tutorial; reading of the obligatory texts, organize one session, presentation of the project theme selected and submission of a research proposal in English language based on DFG format.
Students can also register the seminar for „Prüfungsleistung.“ Additional requirement is an oral exam at the end of the seminar.
For Political Science students requirements for participation („Studienleistung“) are the same as in Anthropology. The seminar can also be registered as Hauptseminar in International Relations. „Prüfungsleistung“ will then be an elaborate 20-pages research design on an International Relations topic (DFG format).
In addition to the seminar, students of Anthropology can acquire 10 ETCS points by participating in the students’s field research in Indonesia. Required is the participation in three workshops in Makassar, inlcuding presentations and a written report of approximately 15 pages). For students of Political Science partcipation will be acknowledged as an equivalent to an internship.


Tod und Sterben in der Ethnologie

DozentInDobler, Gregor

Do 14-16; ab: 21.04.2016 bis 21.07.2016
R 7    Bismarckallee 22

KommentarDer Tod ist eines der großen Themen der menschlichen Existenz. Individuelles Leben, gesellschaftliche Organisation und kulturelle Deutungen stehen immer auch unter dem Vorzeichen des Todes und müssen seine Möglichkeit mit einbeziehen. Tod kann dabei als Ende begriffen werden, als Übergang zu einer anderen Form des Seins oder als Markierung eines neuen Abschnitts in einer nicht abbrechenden Reihe variierender Wiederholungen; in jedem Fall bleibt diese Grenze individueller Erfahrung für das Individuum immer auch ein Fokus der Existenz, der gesellschaftlich und kulturell sehr stark gerahmt und gedeutet wird. Im Umgang mit Sterben und Tod wird deshalb sehr viel von einer Gesellschaft greifbar. Vorstellungen von Individualität und Kollektiv, von Geist, Körper und Seele, von Würde und Sorge werden im Umgang mit dem Tod sichtbar. Das Seminar wird anhand ausgewählter Beispiele den Umgang unterschiedlicher Gesellschaften mit Sterben und Tod thematisieren und gleichzeitig fragen, wie die Ethnologie mit solch existentiellen Themen theoretisch und praktisch umgehen kann.
Das Seminar wird in Kooperation mit dem Museum Natur und Mensch durchgeführt und dient auch der praktischen Vorbereitung einer interdisziplinären Ausstellung zum Thema, die im Frühjahr 2017 eröffnet wird. Die genaue Ausgestaltung dieser Kooperation ist noch offen, es wird aber in jedem Fall punktuell die Möglichkeit zur Mitwirkung an der Ausstellungsgestaltung geben.
BemerkungGeöffnet für: BA Ausgewählte Themenbereiche; M2, M7 (Master); MA Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie
LeistungsnachweisZu erbringende Prüfungsleistung
BA „Ausgewählte Themenbereiche“/ M.A. M2: aktive Teilnahme, Anfertigung einer Hausarbeit, Referat oder mündliche Prüfung

Zu erbringende Studienleistung
M.A. M7: Studienleistung: Mitwirkung an der Ausstellungsgestaltung; nach Absprache