22.10.2024 | 18:15-19:45 Uhr - Vortrag von Rafael Yumbo
Rafael Yumbo
Rafael Yumbo is an Indigenous Kichwa leader from the Comuna Juan Pío Montufar located in the Province of Orellana, Ecuador and one of the coordinators of the National Amazonian Collective Association.
The ‘Unconsulted Consultation’: Critical Reflections on the Yasuní Referendum in Ecuador
His presentation examines the 2023 popular referendum in Ecuador regarding oil extraction in Block 43 of Yasuní National Park, an unprecedented event in which citizens voted on whether to "leave the oil in the ground" in one of the most biodiverse areas in the world. He challenges simplistic interpretations that frame the referendum as an absolute triumph for Indigenous rights.
22.10.2024 / 18:15-19:45 Uhr / Wilhelmstraße 26