You are here: Home People Jun.-Prof. Dr. Felipe Fernández

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Felipe Fernández

Junior Professor


+49 761 203 2385

Room: 01002 (Werthmannstraße 10)

Office hours: Wednesdays, 14-16h

Book a consultation appointment(ILIAS-Plattform)

(Short-term changes may also appear there, please see information about in-person or online appointments).

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 2024: Assistant Professor [Juniorprofessur] (Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology)
  • 10/2023: Guest Lecturer at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina)
  • 2022: Doctoral  Thesis at Free University Berlin; Title: Violent Flows Water Infrastructures and the State in Buenaventura, Colombia. (summa cum laude)
  • 2019-2023: Research Associate (wiss. Mitarbeiter) in the DFG-funded Temporalities of Future (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • 2018-2019: Stipendiat im DFG-geförderten Internationalen Graduiertenkolleg Zwischen Räumen (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • 08/2018-2/2019: Guest Lecturer at FLACSO (Ecuador)
  • 2015-2018: Master in Interdisciplinary Latin American (Free University Berlin); Master Thesis: Liquid Sovereignty. Governance Effects in Sabaletas (Colombia).
  • 2011-2014: Bachelor in History (Major) and Social and Cultural Anthropology (minor) at Free University Berlin.  

Regional Interests

Latin America (especially Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico)

Thematic Interests

  • Political Anthropology
  • Anthropology of the State
  • STS
  • Environmental Anthropology
  • Geological Anthropology
  • Extractivism

Main Publications

Monographien und Herausgeberschaften

Violent Flows. Water Infrastructures and the State in Buenaventura, Colombia. The University of Arizona Press (in Press)

Zeitschriftenartikel und Beiträge in Sammelbänden

In Preparation. with Benjamin Schütze, Alke Jenns, Thilo Wiertz, Hussam Hussein and Rosa Lehmann: Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Contested Spatialities of Energy Transition: Political Tensions, Territorial Asymmetries, and New Frontiers‘. Politic & Space.

In Preparation. with David Schröter: Extractive Infrastructures in the Bolivian Altiplano. On Lithium, Grassroots Organizations, and the (Indigenous) State. Political Geography.     

2023 Reparieren im Globalen Süden am Beispiel der Wasserinfrastruktur von Buenaventura, Kolumbien. In: Weber/ Venn/ Rüsewald (Eds.) Reparieren, Warten, Improvisieren. Technikgeschichte des Unfertigen. Berlin, Deutsches Technikmuseum, 126-132.

2022 Coping with Extortion. On Violence, Parasites, and Water Infrastructures in Buenaventura, Colombia. Journal of Illicit Economies and Development 4(3): 296- 309. DOI:

2022    Construir y reparar frente al desabastecimiento: estado, provisión de agua e infraestructura en Buenaventura, Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Antropología 58 (2): 105-129. DOI:

Book Reviews

2021 Under Construction. Technologies of Development in Urban Ethiopia (2019) by Daniel Mains Anthropologica 63(1): 1-5. DOI:


2018 Landscapes of Freedom. Building a Postemancipation Society in the Rainforests of Western Colombia by Claudia Leal (in German) (2018). H-Soz-Kult, 22.05.2018  URL:


Public Scholarship

2024    Podcast Episode: Lithium, State, and the Future in Bolivia [in Spanish]

In: Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (Heidelberg University)


2023    Podcast Episode: Illicities – City-Making and Organized Crime 

In: Crime Beyond Borders; podcast of the Journal of Illicit Economies and Development (JIED)


2022    Leaky Pipes. State and Infrastructural Violence in the Colombian Frontier

4S – Society for Social Studies of Science 


Winter Term 2024/2025:

  • Anthropology of Politics (in English)
  • Seminar zur Lektüre ethnologischer Texte (Introductory Seminar)

Summer Term 2024:

  • Politikethnologie. Eine Einführung in die Anthropologie des Staates. (Political Anthropology)
  • Anthropologie der Erde (eng Anthropology of the Earth)

Winter Term 2023/2024:

  • Der Untergrund. Raum, Politik und Ausbeutung im (Spät)Kapitalismus (eng The Underground. Space, Politics and Extraction in Late Capitalism) (Geographisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg)

Summer Term 2022

  • Anthropologie des Staates aus globaler Perspektive (eng Anthropology of the State. Global Perspectives) (Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie, Freie Universität Berlin)