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South East Asia Research

The South-East Asia focus of Freiburg includes various activities in research and teaching in which Social and Cultural Anthropology (Prof. Schlehe) is closely involved. Here you can find more about this topic:

Academic Research Cooperations with Indonesian Universities

For further information please see:


DAAD & Kyoto University Partnership Programme

In July/August 2019, Dr. Andrey Damaledo (Southeast Asian Studies Program at Kyoto University) visited the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology for several weeks.


Overseas Thesis Research Grants

As part of a study program at the Faculty for Cultural Science of the Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and the research cooperation between the Institutes of Cultural Anthropology at the UGM and the University of Freiburg, three Indonesian students (1 BA, 2 MA) attended in WS 2019/19 the teaching program at our Institute for three months and conducted research exercises in Freiburg together with our students. 




EC Seminar "The Politics and Anthropology of Southeast Asia"

Nine guest scientists of the Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, joined this interdisciplinary seminar in WS 2017/18 and presented their ongoing research projects. 




Lecture Series of the GfGE titled "Südostasien - Gesellschafts-Umwelt-Systeme im Wandel" (South East Asia: Changing Society-Environment-Systems)


Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas (University of Cologne): "Neue Entwicklungen des Tourismus in Südostasien" (New Developments of Tourism in SOA)

Prof. Dr. Patrick Sakdapolrak (University of Vienna): "Resilienz durch Translokalität. Klimawandel, Migration und soziale Resilienz im ländlichen Thailand." (Resilience through Translocality. Climate change, Migration and Social Resilience in rural Thailand)

Dr. Viola Thimm (University of Hamburg): "Von Malaysia nach Dubai: Muslimisches Pilgern und Geschlecht im Kontext von Konsumpraktiken." (From Malaysia to Dubai: Muslim Pilgrimage and Gender in the context of Consumption Practices)

Dr. Ralf Gertisser (Keele University, UK): "200 Jahre nach dem großen Ausbruch des Tambora: Vulkane und Vulkanrisiken in Indonesien." (200 Years after the Great Eruption of Tambora: Vulcanoes and Vulcanic Risks in Indonesia)

More Information you can find in the event's Flyer (German only).


„World Class Professor Program (WCP)“

Prof. Schlehe was invited in September 2017 to visit the Center of South East Asian Social Studies at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The invitation was funded by the “World Class Professor Program” of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Prof. Schlehe conducted research on maritime disasters (“Notions of Nature and the Normalization of Danger at the South Coast of Java”) and conducted three workshops. 


DAAD Alumni Programm

In summer semester 2017, Dr. Vissa Ita Yulianto (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) visited the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology in Freiburg to conduct a field research titled: "Art, Change and Collective Memory of the Holocaust in Germany: A Reference for Indonesia?"


Center for Transcultural Asian Studies (CETRAS)

The South-East Asia research is one of the three regional pillars at the Center for Transcultural Asian Studies (CETRAS) of the University of Freiburg. You can find more information on:


Social Identities in Contemporary Indonesia

In this mutual project with the Australian National University three tandems of two doctoral students from Social and Cultural Anthropology and Cultural Studies work together. You can find more information on:

Project Social Identities in Contemporary Indonesia funded by DAAD

Memorandum of Understanding

In march 2016, the director of the Gadja Mada University (UGM) and the director of the University of Freiburg signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in which they express future cooperation between the South-East Asia Sciences and the UGM. In this context, Dr. Pujo Semedi, the dean of the Faculty of Cultural Science at the UGM, and Prof. Judith Schlehe also signed a „Plan of Operations“ (see photo) in which especially the training research cooperation between the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology and the Department for Political Science became contractual.




Overseas Thesis Research Grants

As part of a study program at the Faculty of Cultural Science at the Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in WS 2016/17 three Indonesian MA students attended the teaching program of our Institute and conducted research exercises in Freiburg together with our students. 



Final presentation in the seminar "On the Move: Mogrant, Refugees, Travellers"

In WS 2017/18 the program will be continued with an UGM MA student doing research on Vietnamese diaspora in Freiburg.




Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)

Dynamic Alignments and Dealignments in Global South East Asia

As part of of the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, this research focus (in combinantion with Social and Cultural Anthropology, Political Science, Economy and Asian History) addressed the question how cultures of cooperation are being negotiated and which kind of impulses and allocation of meaning can explain the constant change of bonds between states as well as different ethnic, economic, religious, political and professional groups.

You can find more information on: