Fabienne Hansen
Fabienne Hansen studied Ethnology and Political Science (BA) at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and Ethnology (MA) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. She has been a PhD student in Ethnology at FRIBIS since July 2021. Her research interests are climate mitigation, poverty reduction and food sovereignty in relation to basic income in the Global South, with a regional focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. She is particularly interested in the impact of cash transfer programs on everyday interactions and lifeworlds.
- Since October 2021: Organizer of the public FRIBIS lecture series on basic income.
- Since July 2021: PhD student, research assistant and event management at the Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Research (FRIBIS)
- 2021: Master's degree with a thesis on ""We are in the middle of the ocean": Negotiating livelihoods in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas"
- 2019: two-month field research stay in the Bahamas
- 2015-2021: MA studies in Ethnology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany
- 2012-2015: BA studies in Ethnology and Political Science at the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, Germany
Regional Research Focus
- English-speaking caribbean
- Brasil
Thematic Research Focus
- Climate Change
- Environmental Ethnology
- Basic Income/Cash Transfers
- (Post)development
- Food Sovereignty
- Summer Term 2022: “Anthropological Perspectives on Climate Realities”
2024 Bolsa Família vs. Renda Básica de Cidadania? Exploring Conflicting Values in Brazilian Social Policy Laws through Municipal Practices. PhD/PostDoc Seminar, 26.04.2024. Austral University of Chile, Chile.
2023 (mit Jurgen De Wispelaere und Marc J. Doussard) Municipal Basic Income in Brazil: Policy Origins, Policy Diffusion, Policy Mutation. CityCashTransfer-Workshop, 04.12.2023. University of Glasgow, UK.
2023 Through the Lens of an Ethnographer: Approaching Public Opinion about Basic Income with Qualitative Research Methods. Workshop “Public Support for Basic Income”, 16.–17.11.2023. KU Leuven, Belgien.
2023 Embedding a Digital Community Currency into the Cityscape? Observations about the Communication and Visibility of Niterói‘s Moeda Social Arariboia. Workshop “Basic Income Social Policies in Practice”, 03.08.2023. Federal Fluminense University, Brasilien.