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Museal Excursions

(Reports of the excursions composed by students can be viewed at the institute)


WS 2018/19

Museal Excursions to Hamburg, Amsterdam and Leiden


Exk 18

WS 2017/18

Museal Excursions to Vienna, Budapest and Munich

  • 14.11. Museum Natur und Mensch, Freiburg - Tour through the Central Art Depot
  • 27.11. Welt Museum, Vienna - Tour through the newly opened museum (
  • 28.11. Néprajzi Múzeum, Budapest - permanent exhibition about Hungary and special exhibition "Bocskor, Boot, Paduka" (http://www.neprajhu/enz./)
  • 30.11. Museum Fünf Kontinente, Munich - exhibition "Ozeanien - Inselwelten im Pazifik" and "Myanmar - Von Pagoden, Longyis und Nat-Geistern" (
  • 01.12. Museum Fünf Kontinente, Munich - Tour through the depots about Oceania and South America


WS 2016/17
Museal Excursions to Rome and Florence


Exk 16

WS 2015/2016

Museal Excursions to Benelux and Cologne


Exk 15

WS 2014/2015

Museal Excursions to Switzerland


Exk 14

WS 2013/2014
Museal Excursions to Benelux and Cologne

Museumsexkursion vom 25.11. bis 28.11.2013
Benelux (Amsterdam, Leiden, Antwerpen) und Köln


WS 2012/2013

Museal Excursions to the Ethnographic Collections of Saxonia, the Karl May Museum in Radebeul and the Iwalewa-House of Bayreuth


WS 2011/12

Museal Excursions to Paris following the subject "l'Afrique à Paris"


WS 2010/11
Excursion titled: "Ethnological Collections of the 21st Century: Challenges and Positioning within the ,Global Village'"

  • Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam - special exhibition "Red - a Visual Spectacle inspired by the Colour Red across Cultures"
  • Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden - special exhibition "MAORI - the First Inhabitants of New Zealand"
  • Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam - special exhibition "Inca's, Capac Hucha" and permanent exhibition
  • Königliches Museum für Zentralafrika (KMZA), Tervuren - special exhibition "100 Years of the Museum in 100 Photographs" or " Indépendance! Congolese Tell Their Stories of 50 Years of Independance"

SS 2010
  • Linden-Museum, Stuttgart - special exhibition "Südseeoasen - Leben und Überleben im Westpazifik"

WS 2009/10

  • Bonn: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, "James Cook und die Entdeckung der Südsee"
  • Berlin: Altes Museum, "Anders zur Welt kommen. Das Humboldt-Forum im Schloss. Ein Werkstattblick", Gruppenbild der Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen
  • Berlin: Ethnologisches Museum, Dahlem
  • Berlin: ifa-Galerie, Austellung "STADTanSICHTEN: Die Welt wird Stadt "

SS 2009

  • Stuttgart, Linden-Museum, Besuch der Sonderausstellung "Schamanen Sibiriens. Magier Mittler, Heiler"

WS 2008/09

  • Musée Branly, Paris - Sonderausstellung: "Planète Métisse: To mix or not to mix"
  • Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration, Paris
  • Musée Dapper, Paris - special exhibition "Femmes dans les arts d'Afrique"


SS 2008

  • Federseemuseum, Bad Buchau - special exhibition "Abgehoben. 6000 Jahre Pfahlbauten in Europa und Südostasien" as well as a tour through the "Freilichtmuseum", Unteruhldingen
  • Europa Park Rust -  Untersuchung zu populärer Darstellung von Kultur,
  • Rietberg Museum, Zurich - special exhibitions “Kamerun – Kunst der Könige“ und „Ernst Ludwig Kirchner und die Kunst Kameruns“

WS 2007

  •  Museum der Kulturen, Basel - special exhibition "Rot. Wenn Farbe zur Täterin wird"
  • Musée d'Ethnographie, Neuchatel - special exhibition "Figures de l'artifice" and "Himalaja""
  • Museo delle Culture Extraeuropee, Lugano - permanent exhibition
  • Museo di Storia Naturale, Antropologie e Etnologia, Florence - permanent exhibition


SS 2007

  • Museum Rietberg, Zurich - special exhibition "Schätze aus Liao. Chinas vergessene Nomadenkultur"
  • Museum für Völkerkunde, Munich - special exhibition "Pueblo-Indianer und Indianer in Kalifornien"

WS 2006/07

  • Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich, Zurich - special exhibition "Die Macht der Wildnis. Das Tier in der afrikanischen Kunst" and a tour through the depot
  • Nordamerika Native Museum, Zurich - special exhibition "Kanu Kajak - Boote der Indianer und Inuit" and permanent exhibition
  • L'Institut de Monde Arabe, Paris - tour through the institute and permanent exhibition
  • Musée du Quai Branly, Paris - special exhibitions "D'un regard l'Autre"; "Ciwara, chimères africaines"; "Qu'est-ce qu'un corps?"
  • Musée Dapper, Paris - special exhibition "Gabon, présence des esprits"
  • Musée National des Arts Asiatiques, Paris- special exhibition "Guimet"


Together with the Federseemuseum and the Institute for Pre- and Early History as part of the project seminar "Environmental and Economic Archeology":

  • Historisches Museum, Lucerne - tours with actors of the theatre of Zurich and tour through the exhibition with the museum director 
  • Museum für Urgeschichte(n), Zug - tour through the exhibitions
  • Südtiroler Archäologiemuseum, Bolzano: tour through the exhibition
  • ArcheoParc, Schnals - tour through the exhibition and the Freilichtmuseum Unteruhldingen


SS 2006
Exhibitions to the National Ethnographic Collections of Saxonia 

  • Museum für Völkerkunde, Dresden - Japanisches Palais: exhibition "Haut und Hülle"
  • GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, Leipzig - permanent exhibition
  • Völkerkundemuseum, Herrnhut - exhibition "Ethnographie und Herrnhuter Mission"


As part of the project seminar "Environmental and Economic Ethnology":

  • Federseemuseum, Bad Buchau- tour through the exhibition

WS 2005/2006

  • Museum der Weltkulturen, Frankfurt - exhibitions "Africa screams", "Augenblicke"; Africa, Indonesia and Oceania collections
  • Museum der Kulturen, Basel - exhibitions "Urban Islam. Zwischen Handy und Koran", "Bali - Insel der Götter" and "Tibet"

SS 2005

Topic: Ethic Questions in Museums

  • Amsterdam, Museumsvereinigung Holland as well as Tropenmuseum
  • Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (National Museum of Ethnology), Leiden
  •  Wereldmuseum (Weltmuseum), Rotterdam
  • Royal Museum for Central Africa (museum and research institute), Brussels
  • Federseemuseum, Bad Buchau - tours through the archealogical sites, the permanent exhibition "14.000 Jahre Leben am Federsee" and the special exhibition "Vom Beutetier zum Gefährten: die Archäologie des Pferdes".

WS 2004/2005

  • Lindenmuseum, Stuttgart - tours through the collections of North America and Australia
  • Künstlerhaus, Stuttgart - exhibition "Entre pindorama. Zeitgenössische brasilianische Kunst und die Adaption antropofager Strategien", open forum
  • Völkerkundemuseum, Munich - exhibition "Welten des Islam"

SS 2004

  • Zürich, Museum Rietberg und NONAM
  • Burgdorf, Völkerkundemuseum
  • Bern, Historisches Museum
  • Genf, Museum Barbier-Mueller, Völkerkundemuseum Sonderausstellung Goulag
  • Stuttgart, Lindenmuseum: "die andere Moderne Afrikas"

WS 2003/2004

  • Frankfurt, Museum der Weltkulturen: 300 Jahre Schamanismus in Westsibirien
  • Bonn, Kunsthalle: Die Kaiserliche Sammlung aus dem Nationalen Palastmuseum Taipeh, Taiwan; Die Azteken

SS 2003

  • Heidelberg, Völkerkundemuseum der Josephine und Eduard von Portheim Stiftung
  • Köln, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum
  • Frankfurt, Museum der Weltkulturen

WS 2002/2003

  • Karlsruhe, Städtische Galerie: Nolde im Dialog

SS 2001

  • Basel, Museum der Kulturen
  • Neuchâtel, "La grande illusion", Himalaya
  • Zürich, Völkerkundemuseum, Museum Rietberg


Excursion to Namibia

 In the summer of 2011, 25 students from the University of Basel, Universite de Fribourg and University of Freiburg (Germany), attended a field trip to explore the wonders of Namibia. Geographers, Geologists, Sports Education, Nutritionists, Anthropologists, all together for 2 weeks, more than 2000km, 6 cities, 30 elephants sightings, a meeting with the Queen, and all with one old bus.

Blog of the field trip

Description University of Basel


Excursion to Trinidad

In March 2011, 15 students of the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology (Dr. Drotbohm) and the English Seminar made an excursion to Trinidad.

Together with the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, a meeting was conducted regarding the subject of "Creolization in Trinidad". Students of Anglistics and Ethnology elaborated topics like religious minorities, eating habits, Creole identity, postcolonial literature, creole languages, unionized representations of ethnic groups and museal representation of the Indian minority. 

Most of the students stayed longer than the period of the excursion to prepare additional studies or empirical surveys for their final assignments

Exk Trinidad