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Collaborative Colloquium Series

The collaborative colloquium series allows researchers from various disciplines to meet and share ideas, present research or discuss current affairs related to Southeast Asia. The format varies in relation to the particular topics, research materials may be circulated beforehand to facilitate discussions. The colloquium is an opportunity to collaboratively explore the broad nuances of Southeast Asia Studies from interdisciplinary perspectives with contributions from Freiburg as well as from external participants.


  1. Prof. Ward Keeler - The Aesthetics of Restraint in Tumultuous Times (21 May 2019)
  2. Dr. David Malitz - Picture-Book Democracy: Teaching Authoritarian Values in Thai 'Democracy-Picture-Books' for Preschool Children (5 June 2019)
  3. Dr. Andrey Damaledo - Dealing with refugees at the local level: A politico-historical perspective from an Eastern Indonesian province (9 July 2019)


  1. Judith Schlehe - Akademische Süd-Süd Pilgerschaft (26 April 2016)
  2. Sita Hidayah - Presentingen Aceh - Problems and Illuminations (9 May 2016)
  3. Fadhli Lukman - History of Qur'anic Translation of Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementrian Agama) of Republic Indonesia (6 June 2016)
  4. Judith Beyer - "Don't trust the trustees!" Repräsentation und Steuerung religiöser Gemeinden in Yangon, Myanmar (14 June 2016)
  5. Gan Jin - The Legacies of Western Presence in China: Settlements, Missionaries and Trade in the early 20th century (18 July 2016)
  6. Mirjam Lücking - Challenging "Arabness" from the "Margins"!? Mobilities and Representations Revisited (18 July 2016)


  1. Screening of 'The Last Communist' (12 January 2015)
  2. Screening of 'The Act of Killing' (2 February 2015)
  3. Mirjam Lücking (Anthropology)  - The Symbolic Appropriation of Arabness. Being Muslim in Madura" (EuroSEAS paper) or "Islam and Neoliberal Modernity (18 May 2015)
  4. Gerrit Gonschorek (Economics) - "The ones in need or the ones you need?" Differential Transfer, Empirical Evidence from Indonesia (22 June 2015)
  5. Lamai Prompratoom (Political Science) - Elites Border Conflict Management between Thailand and Cambodia (22 June 2015)
  6. Cathrin Bullinger (Anthropology, Political Science) - Decentralization in East Kalimantan (6 July 2015)
  7. Anna Fünfgeld (Political Science) - Socio-ecological transformation in East Kalimantan (6 July 2015)
  8. Peter Kesselburg (Sinology) - Paradiplomatic trade relations between Southern Chinese, North Vietnamese and North Laotian province and country-level governments during the Reform Era (20 July 2015)
  9. Jennifer Stapornwongkul (Sinology) - Chinese Firms Going Global (20 July 2015)


  1. On the Regionness of Southeast Asia (26 May 2014)
  2. Jokowi or Prawobo? Ghost from the Past vs. Future Hope (30 June 2014)
  3. Communism in Southeast Asia (3 November 2014)
  4. Ideas of the 'Arab World' in Indonesia (24 November 2014)
  5. Film in Southeast Asia (1 December 2014)


  1. An Interdisciplinary Database in Southeast Asian Studies (IDISEAS) - part II (30 January 2013)
  2. To protect and Suppress: Order and Spectacle in the Year of the Thai Police (27 May 2013)
  3. When All the Ancestors Spoke Poetry: An Analysis of the Sacred Narratives of the Rotense and Their Significance (24 June 2013)
  4. Music and Fieldwork in Southeast Asia (18 November 2013)
  5. Why is Burmese Pop Music so bland and popular? (4 December 2013)


  1. Democratic Transitions Compared: Indonesia and Egypt (24 January 2012)
  2. A Theory of ASEAN Integration (27 April 2012)
  3. Shaming and Sanitation in Indonesia - A Return to Colonial Public Health? (26 May 2012)
  4. Interdisciplinary Assessment of Area Studies (30 May 2012)
  5. An informal discussion with Prof. Kathryn Robinson (May 2012)
  6. History Repeats Itself: Current Threats to Indonesia's Rice Production (27 June 2012)
  7. Genocide and Film: The case of Indonesia (14 November 2012)
  8. An Interdisciplinary Database on Southeast Asian Studies (IDISEAS) (12 December 2012)


  1. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Voting and Elections in Indonesia (26 January 2011)
  2. EU Actorness on Non-Traditional Security in Southeast Asia (11 February 2011)
  3. The Limits of Neoliberal Governance in Vietnamese Bird Flue Interventions (23 February 2011)
  4. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Voting and Elections in Indonesia - part II (26 May 2011)
  5. Barbie and Big Eyes? Exploring Beauty Myth and Body Image Changes among Thai Teenagers (9 June 2011)
  6. Regional Approaches to the 2011 Thai Elections (13 July 2011)
  7. Revitalization of Population Policy in Indonesia (29 September 2011)
  8. Beyond Letters and Licenses: Navigating Citizenship and Clientelism in a Decentralized Indonesia (23 November 2011)


  1. Beyond Occidentalism Brainstorming (27 January 2010)
  2. Beyond Occidentalism Brainstorming - part II (1 March 2010)
  3. Political Performances of the Ramayana in Southeast Asia (6 May 2010)
  4. Beyond Occidentalism Meeting (10 May 2010)
  5. Beyond Occidentalism Brainstorming (4 June 2010)
  6. Recent Trends in Democratization and Decentralization in Southeast Asia (7 June 2010)
  7. Beyond Occidentalism Meeting - part II (7 June 2010)
  8. Street Vendors and Decentralized Spaces of Urban Security/Insecurity (17 November 2010)
  9. The Mesopolitics of Democratic Governance: Institutional Change and Structural Resistance in Post-Suharto Indonesia (17 December 2010)