Info Site map An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description. Institute History of the 'Institut für Ethnologie' Freiburg Past events at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology Academic Cooperations Institute in public News People Prof. Dr. Gregor Dobler Jun.-Prof. Dr. Felipe Fernández Prof. Dr. Michaela Haug Dr. Mechthild von Vacano Dr. Ognjen Kojanić David Meschede Fabienne Hansen Yannik van den Berg Michelle Thompson Maike Birzle-Zante Olivia Klimm Dr. Jack Boulton Dr. Anusa Daimon Dr. Deasy Simandjuntak Study Programme Bachelor of Arts Master of Arts Network "Anthropology and Professional Practice" Fieldwork practice Student Advisory Service Research Current Research Projects Finished Research Projects South East Asia Research Student Council Contact